Facial rejuvenation is a holistic approach to improving our skin appearance and addressing the signs of aging. It includes local treatment of the face with specific microcurrent energy and essential oils, combined with traditional Chinese medicine methods for overall health. This includes:
- Balancing and harmonizing our body using non needle acupuncture and meridian balancing
- Use of therapeutic essential oils and toxin free natural facial products to support our skin and our general health
- Diet, supplements, and lifestyle advice to help improve your skin from the inside out based on scientific evidence and research
Specific microcurrents are used to stimulate tissue healing and facial muscle response. This is a non invasive, non surgical, painless, risk free approach to improving your facial skin health and appearance. Water and probes with Q-tip ends are used to target specific facial muscles that lift the muscles and sculpt your face. This approach permits targeting of specific areas of concern on the face.
Using a combination of methods creates longer lasting effects! No worries about risks of toxins, infection, irritations, or injury from your treatments.
And when you see your changes you just can’t help but smile!
Facial rejuvenation is for everyone. It can slow and reverse aging effects and improve your health. Each decade of life has changes that can be focused on. Sun exposure can create changes as early as the 20’s. Facial wounds create scars that can respond to the facial rejuvenation protocol.