Come check out an easy, risk free, painless, and noninvasive option for your needs!
Acupuncture is an Eastern medical philosophy that is used extensively for health and wellness. It works by balancing and harmonizing our ‘qi’ (chee) or life force energy. When our ‘qi’ is depleted or blocked pain, stress, and disease can occur in our body. Microcurrent energy is applied at specific points - the meridians (correspond with our nervous system) to unblock and revitalize our ‘qi’. This action can stimulate natural healing, help with pain relief, and balance our emotions.
Acupressure is a form of acupuncture that uses microcurrent energy instead of needles. There are many issues that can be helped by this form of care. Acupressure points are used on the body and ear. The face can remain masked for these treatments.
The MicroPlus TENS machine is also used in combination with Acupressure points for numerous issues. Some protocols can be incorporated into your facial rejuvenation sessions.
There are protocols for:
- skin issues such as rosacea, acne, scars, and cellulite
- TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain and difficulties, tinnitus
- weight loss
- insomnia
- smoking cessation
- pain
- cold and flu
- and more!
We use a series of 30-minute sessions of at least 2 per week that decrease as your response occurs. Nutrition and lifestyle information is included. Natural health products for your particular concern are also reviewed.